Group Therapy and workshops can be a great addition to existing treatment or a stand-alone treatment for a specific concern. Check out our different groups! We also provide support groups for various issues that are less formal and provide a comfortable environment to engage with others who are dealing with similar life events. Contact us for more information or to register!
What are others saying about our groups?
"Dr. Johnson provides a very comfortable environment for discussion and facilitates the sessions with helpful insights from knowledge and experience. One of the best things about the group is how open and supportive the group members are for each other." -Anonymous (2019 Separation/Divorce Support Group)
4-week workshop of rediscovery and empowerment for women! Adapted from a Master Resiliency Program, this workshop allows a group of women to come together, make connections, and learn more about themselves. Each week will begin with a gratitude exercise and will address values, self-reflection, fostering positive relationship, and connectedness and differentiation of self from "who you are" and "what you do."
Length of Workshop = 4 weeks
Time/day: Fridays from 6 pm to 8 pm
Next Start date = Please Inquire
Space is limited, register now!
Early Bird = $180 for all 4 weeks through 4/5/2024 (Early Bird has been extended to 4/12/2024!)
Pricing = $200 for all 4 weeks after 4/5/2024
Register now! Space is limited! Registration closes on April 26, 2024
4-week workshop of rediscovery and empowerment for men! Adapted from a Master Resiliency Program, this workshop allows a group of men to come together, learn more about themselves, and inspire their journey.
Length of Workshop = 4 weeks
Time/day: Fridays from 6 pm to 8 pm
Next Start date = Please Inquire
Space is limited, register now!
Early Bird = $180 for all 4 weeks through June 12th
Pricing = $200 for all 4 weeks after June12, 2024
Register now! Space is limited! Registration closes on July 5, 2024
This group is designed for anyone currently contemplating, going through or grieving following a divorce or the end of a long-term romantic relationship. No matter the stage at which an individual may find themselves, this group is available to those seeking connection, education, and support.
Length of Workshop = On going
Time/day: Every other Wednesday from 5 pm to 6:30 pm
Next Start date = Please inquire
Cost: $30 per meeting attended.
This is an open group, allowing members to attend as many or as few as they would like. We do recommend attending regularly to ensure a positive group experience.
Call to register prior to attending your first meeting.